

我要找屋 我要合租 刊登楼盘

Homates 合租配对服务


预算 7500 行业 其他 来自 本地

Hi! Just another burnt out former gifted kid that needs a place where I can breathe and someone to split rent and bills with. I've already got a lease almost locked down and my current roommate candidate is driving me up the wall— and we haven't even moved in together yet. So long as you're decently respectful and can pay the bills with me, you'd be several hundred steps up from current roommate. Hit me up!


预算 19999 行业 资讯科技 来自 本地

I wake a little bit late, im a very calm and relaxed person, i work in silence normally with my headset, i want to share apartment/condo with someone to have a possibility to live in a better place being affordable
